Highly permeable artificial water channels that self-assemble into two-dimensional arrays
Using dynamic light scattering on lipid vesicles at high membrane tension, experimental collaborators measured PAP’s permeability to water as top-tier among first-generation water channels. But rather than confirm this impressive result, our molecular dynamics (MD) simulations instead revealed permeability a hundred times greater. Over the course of only a few nanoseconds (left), a PAP channel (cutaway, side-on, blue spheres) can switch from a wetted, water-permeable state to a dry, nonpermeable state in which waters (red and white spheres) remain outside the inner channel ring. This transition is reversable; channels in simulation were seen to spend as much as 80% of their time in a water-permeable state. Understanding the reasons for this transition was key to understanding the extreme permeability of PAP.
Seeking for the reason behind the discrepancy between simulation and experiment, the Kumar group of Penn State University repeated their dynamic light scattering experiments on lipid vesicles at low membrane tension instead of high. Membrane tension turned out to be the key. Experiment verified the simulation predictions that PAP in low-tension lipid vesicles passed water two orders of magnitude faster than in high-tension vesicles. Further analysis of simulation demonstrated that PAP channel arms sometimes come together to close the channel, and the channel itself can suffer invasion by membrane lipid tails. The movie to the right depicts such an invasion by a lipid molecule (brown spheres) into a PAP channel (purple licorice with transparent grey surface); the event takes only 16 ns from start to finish. Increased membrane tension could increase the frequency of both forms of blockage, providing an explanation for the two order of magnitude difference in permeability at low versus high membrane tension.
Molecular dynamics simulations predicted one more useful feature of the system: spontaneous channel aggregation. In simulation, the phenylalanine arms of PAP form temporary hydrogen bonds among their amide groups, not only within the same channel, but between channels as well. A 250 ns simulation was sufficient to demonstrate aggregation of a patch of 25 channels into 2-3 rafts. The movie to the left illustrates this process: PAP channels (purple) move stochastically within the place of a lipid bilayer (green) to form the rafts, which extend across the system's periodic boundaries. At length, cryo-EM experiments performed by the Walz group at Harvard Medical in Boston verified that PAP channels at sufficient density in the membrane form a hexagonal grid with cell size of 21 Angstroms. This cell size matched exactly with average center-to-center distance between aggregated PAP channels. Simulation results led directly to discovering a self-aggregation feature that will allow easy concentration of water-permeable channels into a highly area-efficient osmotic membrane.